DSF Technology Co. is the leading supplier in industry equipment and accessories like Bar feeding equipment, Robot,Chip conveyor and High pressure coolant management systems, Air Filter System, Auto extinguish. We are your best partner who can supply unmatched product range. As your one-stop shop we will like to share our experience with you. 作为行业的成员之一者,德斯福公司为您在自动化,安全装置及环保方面如棒材送料机,机械手,排屑机,油雾收集器,高压冷却装置,自动灭火器等机床周边设备提供无以伦比的高性价比产品。与您分享应用经验,为您提供一站式的技术支持及服务,成为您较佳的合作伙伴。